Joint advisory by various US agencies about North Korean ‘Maui’ ransomware

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the US Department of the Treasury have released a joint Cybersecurity Advisory about the threat of North Korean state sponsored hacking: North Korean State-Sponsored Cyber Actors Use Maui Ransomware to Target the Healthcare and Public Health …

MI5 and the FBI warn about the cyber threat posed by China

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Ken McCallum, the MI5 director general and Christopher Wray, the FBI director have delivered a joint statement at the MI5 building in London, warning that China is carrying out economic espionage and hacking operations to steal technology for competitive gain. “We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses …

Knowledge of the current state of ransomware is an essential step in everyone’s cyber security plan

Various departments of the US Government have issued a joint advisory about MedusaLocker ransomware as part of their #stopransomware initiative. #StopRansomware: MedusaLocker | CISA Knowledge of circulating ransomware malware helps all organisations and individuals respond to the threats, when organisations that have been compromised, delay reporting the attacks or even …