Time to make your mind up about Kaspersky the Russian security software. There is a lack of trust? UPDATED 26 March 2022

This article was first posted on 16 March 2022 Updated 26 March 2022 The United States Federal Communications Commission has added Kaspersky to the list of suppliers it considers poses an unacceptable risk to US national security – this list includes Huawei and ZTE. Kaspersky software was already banned from …

Oil and Snacks

There is more news on the cyber security attacks on KP Snacks and Oiltanking. The cyber incident at the German firm Oiltanking has spread to other connected oil companies, SEA-Invest based in Belgium and Evos in the Netherlands, spreading the oil supply disruption across Europe. European oil facilities hit by …

Cyber attack impacts German fuel supplies

Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, a major player in the infrastructure of oil supplies in German discovered the cyber security breach on Saturday. Cyber-attack strikes German fuel supplies – BBC News Cyberattack hits German service station provider • The Register