Here is some cyber security good news. Bugs in software found by the researchers before threat actors could exploit them: Google paid $10 million in bug bounty rewards last year ( Software is complicated and bug bounties paid by vendors is a good incentive for people to help them spot …
Android Malware
This is another story of another malicious Android app making its way into the Googler Play store and then onto users devices: Anatsa Android malware downloaded 150,000 times via Google Play ( Something Apple users can probably look forward to when the EU forces Apple to allow side loading and …
I really like the Apple App Store
Let me clarify that statement. I really like the Apple App Store as a step in a cyber security plan. When your people have your organisation’s infomration on their devices – it is reassuring that those who are using Apple devices are getting their apps from a sorce that is …
More about your VPN
This is a follow-on article to last week’s article Let’s Talk About Your VPN. You should read that article first, to save me having to explain what a VPN is and why I am talking about them now. VPN Issues I spent last week talking up the cyber security advantages …
Chrome gets updates
Google is always on the lookout for security issues Google Chrome and Chromium – many other browsers are based on this technology including Microsoft Edge so it is a rich target for threat actors if they can find a flaw to exploit. When those patches are issued you or your …