A class action against Google alleging the misuse of private information by the company has been stopped by the High Court. Top UK court blocks legal action against Google over internet tracking | UK supreme court | The Guardian
iOS 15 – a quick word about privacy
I updated my iPhone as soon as iOS 15 was generally available – see the story here: Here I just want to mention a feature that may be new and if it is not, I was not aware of it. I had some display issues with the iOS 15 and …
I use Apple Pay all the time… Do you?
The last time I can remember having to use a bank card to make a payment was a couple of months back, at Fords to put a deposit on a new car. Interestingly enough the service centre at the same garage just took Apple Pay. (Also I am still waiting …
This would be nice if it happened here!
EU rules to force USB-C chargers for all phones – BBC News Just take a minute and see how many cables you need when you travel or just leave the office. I have a couple of multi-connector leads but the reliability of those can be poor. One of the things …
Apple will scan your images – but don’t worry!
Child Safety – Apple It sounds like an idea we can all get behind. Apple who manufacture one of the most popular range of compact cameras (albeit they are built into the iPhones, iPads and iPods we all carry), want to do their bit to keep our’s and the world’s …
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