Pegasus not used unlawfully – according to Israeli government enquiry

The Israeli government, following an enquiry, has found that the use of Pegasus against it’s own citizens, who were not suspects in any criminal case, was not illegal. I wonder how many other countries, in that situation would return the same result? Police use of Pegasus malware not illegal, Israeli …

Pegasus has not gone away…

Finland is reporting a cyber security incident, having found the commercial spyware Pegasus on smartphone belonging to diplomatic staff. Finland says it found NSO’s Pegasus spyware on diplomats’ phones – The Record by Recorded Future

Did the Polish government use Pegasus?

Poland and Pegasus

The Guardian has an article investigating the claim that the Polish government has used the Pegasus spyware against its opposition. There have been calls for an investigation by the opposition leader Donald Tusk. Claims Polish government used spyware is ‘crisis for democracy’, says opposition | Poland | The Guardian