Active exploit for Follina – the still unpatched flaw in Microsoft Word

phishing email threat

Here is another excellent breakdown, with screen shots, of phishing emails exploiting the Microsoft Word/Follina/ms-msdt flaw. Being aware of the types of phishing emails the threat actors use is part of the defence in depth you need to have great cyber security. TA570 Qakbot (Qbot) tries CVE-2022-30190 (Follina) exploit (ms-msdt) …

Microsoft guidance for Office zero-day vulnerability – Follina

I have written about this Microsoft Word vulnerability earlier this week: New attack using Microsoft Office documents – could you or your team recognise it? – Smart Thinking Solutions There is still not patch – but Microsoft has issued some mitigation guidance: Guidance for CVE-2022-30190 Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool Vulnerability …

Zero-day threat using Microsoft Office documents – even if macros are disabled – it’s called Follina

Office macros slide

I have written about the usefulness and the threat that Microsoft Office document macros can pose to your cyber security. This flaw, called Follina, exploits Office functionality to retrieve an HTML file, and Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) to run some malicious code, which can lead to privilege escalation attacks. …

Do you know what an .xlsb file is? The hackers do and it is another way to obscure their malicious payloads

Here is yet another email attachment, examined by Xme, at SANS Internet Storm and for you to look out for: XLSB Files: Because Binary is Stealthier Than XML – Sans Internet Storm Centre For phishing attacks to succeed the hackers need to exploit your trust – for them to fail …