The Reith Lecture – “do not design algorithms that can decide to kill humans”

Reith Lecture logo screen snip

The quote comes from the lecture – but having listened to it there are interested groups who would prefer I use the word “engage” to “kill”. Want a simple explanation of what an algorithm is then check this short animation out produced by the BBC: What are algorithms and how …

If AI research is to be ethical – then Big Tech to be controlled

I have started listening to the Reith Lectures on AI by Professor Stuart Russell, founder of the Centre for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence, at the University of California, Berkeley. They continue this week on Wednesday. Here s an interesting opinion piece, looking at AI and Big Tech by Timnit Gebru, published …

Just as I praise the ICO – they are shown to be taking “private” action

For private you can read secret, unless you are able to make a Freedom-of-Information request. Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Wikipedia and Freedom of Information Act 2000 ( A few days ago I wrote this article in which I praised the ICO: There is an article on The Register, …

Something I am listening to – AI and why people should be scared

Reith Lecture logo screen snip

I have just finished listening to the first episode of the Reith Lectures 2021, delivered by Professor Stuart Russell, founder of the Centre for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence, at the University of California, Berkeley. It was excellent – I am looking forward to the next three episodes. Any one with an …

You cannot win – one person’s privacy is other’s “stifling free speech”

Twitter quote

Twitter has introduced new rules, enabling the removal of images and videos of private individuals on request. This looks like a good thing – it respects people’s privacy on Twitter’s platform and takes great steps to improve their policies that prevent harassment of individuals. However critics are objecting that it …