Cold War spying is a long way from today’s cyber-espionage weapons but they both successfully stole information – #BeCyberSmart

Source: The Brush Pass Project Brazen

This article comes via Bruce Schneier, and fits nicely into the Weekend Project – it is about security and has some connections to the posts we run here at Smart Thinking. Both Clive and I have attended Bruce Schneier speaking events, and through Clive’s links with Edinburgh Napier University have …

Pegasus Spyware – if you are a Prime Minister – anywhere – then watch out… UPDATED 27 May 2022

This post was originally published on 3 May 2022 Update 27 May 2022 Following the hacking of Spanish governmental phones, Spain’s prime minister Pedro Sánchez, will be bringing forward new legislation to regulate and oversee the nation’s spy agencies: Spain’s PM vows to reform intelligence services following phone hacking scandal …

Why the Prime Minister needs to be told to “pay close attention” to cybersecurity

I know the job of Prime Minister is a demanding one, add to that Brexit, a difficult economy, keeping up with all the issues about COVID-19, Ukraine, etc. but basic security and with that basic cybersecurity is something that naturally should be a key part of how he conducts himself. …