Has the Conti Ransomware Gang finally stopped operating?

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Research and analysis is showing that the malicious websites run by the Conti Gang to support it’s ransomware operations are now closed: Conti ransomware finally shuts down data leak, negotiation sites (bleepingcomputer.com) However the threat actors have not gone away – ransomware makes too much money for them to simply …

BlackCat ransomware tracked to at least 60 victims

This was the ransomware that hit universities over the past weeks: Universities as targets – Smart Thinking Solutions The FBI has released a statement outlining other attacks of BlackCat ALPHV and the attack vectors and strategies the gang has been using. It includes suggested mitigation. BlackCat/ALPHV Ransomware Indicators of Compromise …

Ransomware gang member extradited

An suspected member of the REvil gang has been extradited to the United States and charged with being involved with ransomware attacks against 10 US organisations. Alleged REvil suspect extradited and arraigned on ransomware spree charges – The Register

Ransomware gang gives a public “business” interview

Following the article in The Guardian that compared ransomware cyber criminals to legitimate businesses: Here is a ransomware gang giving an interview outlining it’s future “business” plans and goals – including discussing its “brand” as a way of making interactions with businesses and insurance companies easier! An ALPHV (BlackCat) representative …

The impact of ransomware on businesses – threat actors acting like legitimate businesses

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This is an interesting article on the financial impact of ransomware on businesses by Rob Davies and Dan Milmo of The Guardian. I think the way they illustrate that these criminal gangs have shaped their operations to outwardly function as legitimate businesses, including having well spoken help desks to aid …