Satellite cyber-attacks, WhisperGate, AcidRain and the spread of the Russia Ukraine cyber conflict

Statements have been made this week by the European Union, the United States and other allies relating the WhisperGate cyber attacks that were directed at Ukraine but spilled over into the greater Europe damaging thousands of modems. This damage had the knock on effect of crippling wind turbines and subsequent …

Researchers discover a long-term cyber espionage campaign originating in China

Researchers uncover years-long espionage campaign targeting dozens of global companies – The Record by Recorded Future The US Justice Department and the FBI have received information from researchers at Cyberreason, of a long term infiltration of dozens of unnamed North American companies, for purposes of stealing company secrets and IP. …

Privacy gets a boost in Connecticut

Connecticut state flag

With California, Colorado, Utah and Virginia, Connecticut is the fifth US State to introduce laws protecting user’s privacy. Connecticut becomes fifth state with data privacy law – The Record by Recorded Future

Cyber threat from Ukraine Russia conflict is growing as the invasion progresses

Data wiper malware was one the first cyber-weapons deployed in the Ukraine Russia conflict and data researchers are now tracking six major strains of malware as a direct result of the Ukraine Russia conflict. Data-wiper malware strains surge amid Ukraine invasion • The Register There have been accounts of the …