Microsoft versioning vulnerability – we have the solution

This is a ransomware encryption attack, that Octagon’s backup solution is designed to mitigate against.

The attack exploits the Microsoft 365 versioning feature, when editing a file, saved in SharePoint or OneDrive. Once the threat actors gets into the cloud storage they can execute their attack and start encrypting your information. If they do succeed, you need a backup that is independent of the Microsoft cloud. We can do that…

Security firm warns of ransomware attacks targeting Microsoft cloud ‘versioning’ feature – The Record by Recorded Future

However for the attack to work, the user needs to be compromised – in English, the attacker needs to have the user’s email address and password and the organisation’s MFA needs to be compromised or worse the organisation does not use MFA!

Get some training on how to defend against phishing and social media attacks and how multi-factor authentication is essential to your organisation’s cyber security.

We have these options:

Cyber Awake | Train Your Team To Protect Against Cyber Attacks

Or this:

Ransomware cartoon