Industrial systems as targets for threat actors – this why you need a software policy. Do you have one?

Industrial systems, large and small run on computers – so why not attack them?

So here is the scenario – which Octagon has had to deal with in the past – someone leaves and forgets to leave the password for a system that is accessed only occasionally. You cannot contact them for whatever reason so someone suggests the use of a password cracking program they have found on the internet. No checking, let’s just run it and get ourselves out of the fix. If Octagon is involved in the process, we definitely say NO to this approach.

In the story below no one stopped the employee downloading the password cracker which included Sality malware!

Hackers are targeting industrial systems with malware | Ars Technica

Have policies and procedures in place to manage what software can and cannot be installed on your systems.

Do you want to create a great cyber security plan?

Do you want to get a head start on what you need to do?

Then enrol for this course I am leading in September:

Masterclass September 2022 200