More on Device Security

This is a very good follow on article from – When hardware reaches EOL | Smart Thinking Solutions.

Device cyber security is rarely taken seriously by organisations or individuals and it is really important when that device is connected to the internet, and what device today is not connected to the internet. So the UK Government has brought in new laws to force vendors to be more responsible when it comes to the internet connected devices they sell.

No more 12345: devices with weak passwords to be banned in UK | Data and computer security | The Guardian

Insecure devices such as that internet connected TV in the boardroom and that baby monitor your CEO uses on the same network she works remotely on and just some of the examples of devices threat actor have exploited to breach cyber security defences and steal sensitive information.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Are you using Bring Your Own Device – BYOD – to save money? – CyberAwake