Credentials are King

Threat actors are always looking for good sources of valid (stolen) email and password combinations – and there are many hundreds of millions available to them.

361 million stolen accounts leaked on Telegram added to HIBP (

Once they have these credentials, the threat actors will be trying them out against any and all online services to find those users who are unaware they have compromised credentials and/or are reusing passwords.

Your takeaway

You and your team need to understand the importance of the credentials they use every day to do their jobs. Below is my Credentials Primer, which will give you the basics.

But if you are unsure where to start – here are two things to address:

  • You need a secure, policy and procedure if a password is suspected of being compromised
  • You need a password and MFA policy that everyone in your organisation is familiar with and uses.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading