NHS Cyber Security Gaps

I often feature articles here on Smart Thinking about the cyber security issues the NHS suffers. I think it is important as it illustrates to any organisation that if you make a mistake there can be serious consequences for you and your stake holders – hopefully not as disastrous as an NHS under-funded mistake.

Now a report, on the BBC by Guy Lynn and Stephen Menon, is high lighting warnings about the NHS’s cyber security by the founding CEO of the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), Ciaran Martin. Someone who should know what he is talking about.

“I was horrified, but not completely surprised. Ransomware attacks on healthcare are a major global problem.”

Prof. Ciaran Martin, the founding CEO of the NCSC

NHS cyber security: Ex security chief warns of future attacks – BBC News

It appears from the article that NHS England is proud that it has only invested £338m in cyber security over the last seven years. The NHS and the new government needs to remember that the systems data this investment is supposed to protect, if successfully attacked can have a real impact on real people’s lives.

Now I know the new government is facing an NHS waiting list of unprecedented size – and we will not get into how, just accept it is – but money not only needs to be found to deal with the waiting lists, wages, working conditions, infrastructure, new IT, training, etc., etc., etc…. and cyber security.

Your Takeaway

Cyber security is an investment – and you need to invest in it as well.

Here are three ways to start – one is free and the other two you need to pay for. Investing in all three will mean you will have better cyber security.

Cyber Security Awareness Training

Back-to-Basics – The Collection III

An IT and Cyber Security Audit

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading