Yes people do track a top ten for malware. Do you want to know what the #1 is?

It’s Emotet – this is obviously where the cyber-criminals are making their money.

Emotet reestablishes itself at the top of the malware world • The Register

Emotet is operated by an operation called Cryptolaemus, and they have been developing the code to bring the malware back after it had been effectively closed down last year.

What is the threat of this malware:

  • collect and steal data on a compromised network
  • install software such as trojans, ransomware and other malware
  • move through a network compromising other devices
  • steal credentials and elevate access
  • once deployed, what it can do, is up to the imagination of the hackers – you let it in!

Remember you get those spam emails, because somewhere out on the internet, a criminal is phishing for you click on a link or open an attachment to launch their malware – for profit.