I spend a lot of time here talking about hybrid working and working from anywhere, but we have to remember for hybrid working there will be an office somewhere and that office will have cyber security requirements. This is something I am going to looking at in my next Back-to-Basics …
More on IoT and Cyber Security
On Tuesday I wrote about how unsecured and unsupported Internet of Things (IoT) device on an organisation’s network can compromise their cyber security and how an IT and Cyber Security Audit can help identify these issues before they become an “incident”. Another aspect of poor cyber security of internet connected …
The cyber security risk of end-of-life products.
I have come across the issue of EoL products being used several times whilst carrying out IT and Cyber Security Audits. Often the client has no idea that the firewall or internet connected printer they are relying on is no longer supported by the manufacturer. I have written about this …
Continue reading “The cyber security risk of end-of-life products.”
It looks like being a week of device security – these numbers should convince you to do something
I have written about the risks of Android apps – a lot, see the highlights of the issue here: Device Security (Pt. 2) | Smart Thinking Solutions However to reinforce the statement that apps downloaded from the Google Play Store can be a serious security risk on your organisation’s information, …
More on Device Security
This is a very good follow on article from – When hardware reaches EOL | Smart Thinking Solutions. Device cyber security is rarely taken seriously by organisations or individuals and it is really important when that device is connected to the internet, and what device today is not connected to …