Cyber security investigations often mean carrying out tasks that by the letter of the (US or UK) are illegal – it is the nature of the job. In the United Kingdom we have two critical pieces of legislation that a cyber security consultant could fall foul of: Computer Misuse Act …
Just how much and often is your data shared? UPDATED 19 May 2022
This post was originally published on 17 May 2022 Update 19 May 2022 The numbers just keep getting bigger! This article in The Register, has the Irish Council on Civil Liberties, stating that our data is shared up to 987 times a day, when the Real Time Bidding (RTB) industry …
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With a title that includes “Bond Villains” you cannot possibly miss reading this…
A few weeks ago I ran a post that pointed at an excellent article in the New Yorker magazine looking inside the world of the NSO Group the developers of Pegasus. Pegasus is a commercially available spyware cyber-weapon. Inside a commercial spyware company – Smart Thinking Solutions The Canadian research …
Continue reading “With a title that includes “Bond Villains” you cannot possibly miss reading this…”